Archive | September, 2012

Lots of Things and Stuff

19 Sep

It’s been a minute since my last post and big things have happened for me. At the end of April I was offered a freelance Art Director gig at Fraser Communications in LA, CA. I was introduced to the company by one of my besties who is on the account team there so not only was I going to work for an awesome agency in LA for a week but I was going to get to hangout and work with one of my besties—SCORE!! I had spring break the last week of April and the timing worked out perfectly soooooo… I hopped a plane and flew out to beautiful, sunny SoCal!

The week was awesome! I loved LA, had a blast at Fraser and truly enjoyed working with everyone there and the work I had the opportunity to work on. It turned out they really liked me too—so much so that at the end of the week they offered me a full time position. What?! AH!! Amazing! I was so stoked. It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunity moments and I jumped on it. Things moved fast from there. I had less than a month to pack-up my life in North FL and move it out to SoCal!

Since then I have been busy, you know, doing the usual—packing, selling most of my wordly possessions, saying good-bye to friends and family, moving, driving cross-country, road trip adventures with my bestie (and hero and guardian angel who helped me move), signing a lease to a sight-unseen apartment while on the road (no worries, my bestie in LA found it and she has great taste), moving into said new place, starting a new job, getting settled, exploring LA, getting lost every where I go, learning how to drive in LA traffic, refreshing my parallel parking skills (or lack-there-of)…—you know,  just the usual, nothing big. LOL.

It’s been an awesome ride. I’m pretty much settled in now and LA is starting to feel like home. I’ve had some time to adjust and just breath. Once the dust settled, I realized it had been too long since my last post and I missed blogging something fierce. I’ve connected with AIGA LA and ThinkLA out here. They have some awesome events lined up which I’m excited to attend and tell you all about on here. I’m also excited to catch up on some of the cool things I’ve seen and done since I went MIA back in April. Check back for exciting things to come soon!
